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Maintenance and Naturalized Flowers – Part II

Our spring maintenance is continuing:

Reino was able to bend up some new material for our damaged rear facia and we installed it today as well as a few extra nails to hopefully prevent future damage. With no trees to shield the back of the church anymore, this gets a little more wind. Please thank Reino for his efforts on this when you see him next. Pic of the repair is attached.

Bill was able to make and mount a new sign board near our boardwalk entrance and it turned out very well! It has a place for lettered announcements or to just tack up a sheet or two of paper announcements. We should be able to put those things like rummage sales, organ recitals, etc., here now instead of taped to the door. Please thank Bill when you see him next too for this nice addition to our entranceway. Pics of this are also attached

Finally, many of our naturalized Hyacinths and Daffodils are blooming now so take a look as you drive by. There is a pic of this attached as well though the bright sun today washed it out a little. The only downside to the pretty flowers is that they make our sign look bad… but that is on our list for repairs this spring too, so hopefully we can get to that in the next month or so.

