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Our Place In History

1893 St Johnannes church basic structure built. No inside siding, bell, pulpit, organ, plumbing, electricity, or basement. Just an enclosed meeting hall box with a mirror, comb, water pail, and glass purchased by the congregation and a donated woodstove. Church constitution adopted. First 3 baptisms performed. (In mid year the worst US depression to this time, known as the “panic of 1893” begins. It will last for 5 years)
1894 Pump Organ purchased (This type of organ can still be seen in the Jacobsville Chapel). First pastor John Huchthausen installed. Fence erected around property. School started.
1895 First three confirmations. First two weddings. First two funerals. (The US treasury is saved by a coalition of JP Morgan and the English Rothchilds from a run on gold that could have caused US paper money to become greatly devalued or possibly even worthless. This is the deepest part of the depression caused by the “panic of 1893”)
1897 Altar and Pulpit dedicated
1898 Parsonage built by members, First resident pastor Hy Prekel installed. (Last year of the depression resulting from the panic of 1893. By this time over 16000 business and over 500 banks had gone bankrupt since 1893)
1899 Inside covered with “corrugated tin” (What we would now consider to be “pressed tin” as often seen on antique ceilings of other century old local buildings – this was a popular interior choice between 1880 and 1930 in the US).  This tin still exists under the existing paneling from a later remodel.

1900 Electric lights were installed
1903 Basement built. Once a month English Service introduced
1907 Pastor Walter Albrecht installed
1910 First furnace installed in basement
1913 Bell purchased from the Buckeye Bell Foundry, The E. W. Vanduzen Co, Cincinnati.  It is inscribed “EV. LUTH. ST. JOHANNIS GEMENDE”  ( translated as: Evangelical Lutheran St Johns Parish)  “U.A.C. A.D. 1913″  (Unaltered Augsburg Confession, In the Year of our Lord 1913)  ” EHRE SEI GOTT IN DER HEOHE” (Glory to God in the Highest).   Bell dedicated.  Pastor J.T Mueller installed

Bell photo 1
Bell Photo 2

1917 Pastor Herbert Juneau installed
1918 25 year celebration
1921 Walther League organized
1923 30 year celebration. First collection envelopes used. Pastor Hugo Bloedel installed. First year for English notes at voters meetings. Two services each Sunday – German in the morning, and English in the evening.
1924 Treasurer to include note with new envelopes to show Yearly income and expenses (first annual report for all members). Contributions by members were published monthly to verify that all the envelopes collected were actually handed in. English constitution updated. Porch roof of parsonage replaced, door bell added. First “Mindekranz” cards ordered (It was the custom in an Eastern church, on the occasion of a funeral, to send no flowers but to take the money which would be spent and send it to the family asking them to designate some memorial about the church in memory of the loved one gone. This is known as the “Mindekranz Idea.”)
1925 Creed with variations added to regular services. Agnus Dei sung instead of Gloria Patri during Lent
1926 Seats replaced in the organ loft, Music book purchased for Organist. Church chimney, Parsonage clothes reel, and picket fence repaired. (A mild recession started in the US this year – a shadow of the coming depression)
1927 Year begins with a deficit of $11.04 on 1/16. It is resolved that Pastor and President visit each member about their dues. Last resident pastor -Bloedel- walks out of 1/30 meeting and resigns. Congregation pays $529.08 of his debts, for the crating of his furniture in the parsonage and his transportation fees to Chicago, but will not pay for the wash machine. 75% of weekly contributions and 1/2 of Sunday school money taken to pay debts, balance of SS money to missions. As of February, German service for the first Sunday of the month, rest to be in English. (The mild recession in the US ends in November of this year and an economic run-up starts – leading to the eventual 1929 wall street crash and following 10 year depression)
1928 Pastor A. S. Lucas installed
1942 Second Furnace installed. Dual parish arrangement started with St Pauls. Pastor William E Mass installed. Orgatron (electric organ) replaces the 1894 pump organ. Christian Flag and National Flag also dedicated at this service.
1943 50 year celebration. New Lutheran Hymnals dedicated.
1953 60 year celebration. Church renovation.
1956 Pastor Walter F Beil installed
1958 Pastor Frank J Shultz installed
1968 Verlinder pipe organ installed containing 232 pipes and 1942 Orgatron (electric organ) retired.
1977 2′ flute rank added to pipe organ raising pipe count to 257. Pastor Frederick P Buth installed
1980 Pastor Robert Paul starts 14 months as interim pastor
1981 Pastor Walter Leininger installed
1985 Pastor Larry Warsinski installed
1993 Joint 100 year celebration with St Cecilia Catholic Church, also built in 1893. Centennial banner created.
1994 New aluminum eaves and flashing, and plexiglass front storm windows were installed. New pulpit light and 6 new basement tables. The lease for the parking lot for $1 per year was cancelled and now charged $300/year. 1 Baptism, 3 Confirmations.
1995 Parking lot was purchased for $3800. 2 Baptisms, 1 confirmation.
1996 Beginning of raising money for barrier free access to the church. 3 Baptisms.
1997 Organists pay raised to $40 from $30. Guest Pastors raised to $80. Answering machine added. 4 Baptisms.
1998 Pastor Warsinski accepts call to Wheeler MI, Pastor Paul fills in. 2 new furnaces. Handicap ramp installed for $6262. 1 baptism, 2 confirmations.
1999 Pastor James Fundom installed 4/25. Ramp dedicated 9/12 and new door and light added to basement entrance. New Christmas eve candles and clear plastic cups. Ladies Aid Constitution updated. 6 baptisms.
2000 Flower Chart put into use for regular delivery. Bi-Weekly communion. An outreach grant of $5622.50 provided new video equipment and services were broadcast on Channel 19 for $50 per service. Baptismal napkins now provided by Ladies Aid with embroidered names. Foundation is painted and new carpeting installed inside and on front steps. Padding is added to pews. Monthly newsletter put on Jim Johnsons Web site. 3 Baptisms, 1 confirmation.
2001 Church decides to cover all costs of funerals for Pastor, organist and lunch. New fire extinquishers, smoke detectors and exit signs. Parking lot was expanded. New shared copier. 2 Baptisms, 1 confirmation
2002 An additional grant of $5622 was used to add a TV to the basement for viewing during the service and to continue broadcasting on cable TV. 2 Wheel chairs donated – one for each floor. Parking lot light installed. Old school desks donated and sold. First Quilt added to sanctuary. 2 Baptisms and 2 confirmations.

The youth are compared to “EXPLODING STARS” (upper left) because of their enthusiasm. We need to cherish their energy, heed their observations and encourage their participation in the family of God. (1 Timothy 4:12)
The “DOUBLE WEDDING RING” (upper right) represents those in our family who are married, who display the meaning of commitment and through whom our Heavenly Father is glorified when they raise their children in the way of the Lord. (Psalm 127:4)
The “BARN RAISING” (middle left) represents the leaders of our congregation and auxiliary groups within our church. God uses these people to build the church and further His Kingdom. (Psalm 127:1)
The “LONE STAR” (middle right) represents our single members, an important and intricate part of our family. Together we all minister to and with one another to the glory of Jesus Christ who never leaves us alone. (Matthew 28:29)
The “GRANDMAS HOPSCOTCH” (lower left) represents our more mature members who share their wisdom, experience, awareness and sensitivity with our family by God’s grace (Proverbs 1:8-9)
The pattern “SEVEN SISTERS” (lower right) represents the many brothers and sisters in our church family. Through God’s work and sacrament, our family is nourished and strengthened by God. He keeps us in His family through faith in Jesus until we are gathered into our eternal home where we will be united forever with our heavenly father.

2003 110th year celebration. New blue lenten banner with lamb/cross. Green hymnal Supplements added. Offering envelopes changed from 2 pocket to 1 pocket – 1st change since 1923. Implementation of Joint 5th Sunday service in summer months. Additional gravel added to parking lot. New Green paraments. 1 baptism, 7 confirmations.
2004 New stove and Refrigerator for kitchen. Microwave donated in memory of Carole Curtain. Cabinets remodeled. Kids Choir organized. New Candle lighter and Funeral Pall donated. Chari Johnson completed the second quilt for the sanctuary in August. 4 confirmations and 1 baptism.

The “GOD’S EYE” pattern (upper left) celebrates the gift of our spiritual leaders such as Pastors, and others who help us walk in God’s light, act as His strength, think in His wisdom, speak in His words and live in His love (Romans 10:15)
Sin gets us into real trouble —a real pickle— as represented by the “PICKLE DISH” pattern (upper right). But we have the One to whom we can go, Jesus Christ, for He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. (Isaiah 40:31)
The “KALEIDOSCOPE” (middle left) represents the various stages of life. The Word of God never changes, but the help it offers is like a kaleidoscope in that whatever stage we find ourselves, the help we need can be found in God’s Word. (Psalm 119:10)
The “FRIENDSHIP STAR” (middle right) represents those who are always reaching out to share the friendship of Jesus — greeting us on Sunday morning in worship, listening to our problems and plans. (Gal. 6:10)
The “CHECKERED SQUARE” (lower left) portrays us as people of great diversity, and yet we are bound together through Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 14:19-20)
The “LITTLE STAR” (lower right) represents the children whom Jesus loves… those to whom He said belong to the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:14)

2005 1 Baptism, and 1 confirmation.
2006 Pipe organ rebuilt with additional rank of pipes bringing the count to 354. Organ was rebuilt from 4/25 to 10/15 and dedicated 11/5. DVD player purchased. Sunday school choir starts 1 song. 30 year anniversary of June Peterson as organist. 1 Baptism, 5 Confirmations.
2007 St Cecilia (catholic church) with whom St. Johns celebrated our 100th anniversary, closes.
2018 125 year celebration. St Cecila church torn down.
2022 Boardwalk lights updated to LED. Naturalizing bulbs planted between ramp and sidewalk. Front step carpeting replaced with new epoxy finish.
2023 130 year celebration.  Entrance Ramp metal support brackets replaced, new dusk/dawn light timer.  All outside signs are refurbished and flower box rebuilt.   Additional naturalizing bulbs planted at edge of parking lot.  New camera purchased and services are now available on the web (usually within a few days of the service)  New Fire alarms.  New entrance ramp bulletin board.